বিশেষজ্ঞ নিবন্ধ
Production technology of bitter gourd

Land Preparation

Land Preparation

  1. Land is brought to a fine tilth by doing 2-3 ploughings followed by harrowing and cross-cultivation using a cultivator.

2.Prepare the furrows of 30-40 cm width opened at the recommended spacing (2-2.5 m).

Prepare ridges/ beds on one side of the furrow.


Spacing & Plant Population

Spacing & Plant Population

Bitter gourd being a weak climber needs support for its growth. The plants trailed on the support (bower) continues to give yield for 6-7 months as against 3-4 months when trailed on the ground without support. Such vines are less susceptible to pests and diseases as they do not come in direct contact with the soil. In bower system, planting is done at a spacing of 2.5 x 1m. Furrows are opened up at 2.5 m and irrigation channels are laid out at 5-6 m distance. Wooden poles (3 m in height) are pitched on both the ends of alternate furrows at a distance of 5 m. these poles are connected with wires.

The wires along the furrows are further connected with cross wires fastened at 45cm distance so as to form a network of wires. Seeds are dibbled at distance of 1 m along the furrow and covered lightly with soil. The vines take about 1.5-2 months to reach the bower height, hence the vines during the initial stages of growth are trailed on ropes till they reach the bower. Once the vines reach the bower height, the new tendrils are then trailed on the bower.


Sowing Window & seed rate

Sowing Window & seed rate

Summer season-February-March

Kharif season-June-July

Seed rate is 2-3 kg/acre.

Dibbling of seed is done on the side of the ridge or bed facing the furrow


Weed management

Weed management


Weeding is done manually once during this stage to keep the field free of weeds.


Scouting & management of Red pumpkin beetle and Leaf Miner

Scouting & management of Red pumpkin beetle and Leaf Miner

  1. Monitor at seedling stage for the incidence of insects and pests like Red pumpkin beetle and Leaf miner and spray recommended Pesticides/Insecticides.

  2. For Red Pumpkin Beetle spray Cyantraniliprle @ 2ml/liter, Look for the incidence of disease Damping Off and spray recommended fungicides.


Scouting & Management of Aphids,Jassids and leaf spot

Scouting & Management of Aphids,Jassids and leaf spot

  1. Look for the incidence of sucking pests such as Aphids and Jassids and spray recommended Pesticides.

  2. Observe the incidence of disease Cercospora leaf spot and spray recommended fungicides.


Scouting & Management of Mites, Whitefly and Cucurbit fruit fly.

Scouting & Management of Mites, Whitefly and Cucurbit fruit fly.

  1. Look for the incidence of insects and pests like Mites, Whitefly and Cucurbit fruit fly and spray recommended Pesticides/Insecticides or Traps may be used.

  2. To manage Cucurbit fly prepare a bait with 1 Kg crushed pumpkin+100 gm jaggery+10 ml Malathion and Keep in 4-6 places/acre.

  3. Alternately use erect Cuelure traps @ 10 traps/acre or spray Deltamethrin @ 1 ml/liter of water.

  4. Monitor for the incidence of diseases Alternaria leaf spot, Downy mildew and Powdery mildew and spray recommended fungicides.

  5. Powdery mildew can be managed with foliar spray of Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP @ 2gm/liter of water.


Management of Cucurbit fruit fly

Management of Cucurbit fruit fly

  1. After observing the incidence of insects and pests such as Cucurbit fruit fly, spray recommended Pesticides/Insecticides or Traps may be used.

  2. To manage Cucurbit fly prepare a bait with 1 Kg crust pumpkin+100 gm jaggery+10 ml Malathion and Keep in 4-6 places/acre.

  3. Alternately use erect Cuelure traps @ 10 traps/acre or spray Deltamethrin @ 1 ml/liter of water.

  4. Monitor for the incidence of diseases Alternaria leaf spot and spray recommended fungicides.

  5. Pesticides spray for the management of sucking pests which act as vector of Bitter gourd Yellow Mosaic Virus.


Physiological And Nutritional Disorders

Physiological And Nutritional Disorders

If any deficiency symptom is noticed foliar spraying of that particular nutrient can be taken up.

  1. Boron deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd

  2. Sulphur deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd

  3. Iron deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd

  4. Magnesium deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd

  5. Manganese deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd

  6. Zinc deficiency symptom in Bitter gourd


Harvesting & Post harvest handling

Harvesting & Post harvest handling

  1. The first picking starts after 55-60 DAS depending on the variety and season.

  2. Bitter gourd is picked at 2-3 days interval.

  3. Fruits are graded according to its size and color.

  4. Long green fruits with short neck are generally preferred in the market.

  5. Plastic crates, Bamboo baskets or wooden boxes lined with plastic sheet are used for keeping the harvested produce.

  6. Before transporting, the produce is shifted to a shady or cooler place.


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