Description : Savings account with 7.4% of interest rate. Maximum investment limit is INR 4.5 lakhs in single account and INR 9 lakhs in joint account. An individual can invest maximum INR 4.5 lakh in MIS (including his share in joint accounts).Eligibility : 1. Age must be 10 or above in case of own account 2. Single account-Minimum amount (Rs. 1000) and maximum (Rs. 4,50,000) [Amount In multiples of 1,500] 3. Joint account- Minimum amount (Rs. 1000) and maximum (Rs. 9,00,000) [Amount in multiples of 1,500] *However, an individual cannot invest more than Rs. 4,50,000 in case of joint account. 4. Joint account should be opened by two or three adults. 5. Maximum amount which can be deposited in the account of minor is Rs. 3,00,000.Process : 1. Visit the post office and open an account there (either single or joint account). 2. The applicant has the option of filling in the details of nomination while opening the account or after the opening the account. 3. When the minor reaches 18 years of age, they will have to apply for a conversion of the account.
*Maximum investment limit is INR 4.5 lakh in single account and INR 9 lakh in joint account An individual can invest maximum INR 4.5 lakh in MIS (including his share in joint accounts)
*Premature closure of account is available only after an year of the scheme. In case, the account holder wishes to do so, 2% of the amount deposited will be deducted, if an individual withdraws between a period of 1-3 years. In case, it is after 3 years and before 5 years, 1% of the amount deposited will be deducted.Benefit : 7.4 % per annum payable monthly