Neem tree is originated in India. There are various uses of neem in Agriculture:
a.Neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree and has insecticidal and medicinal properties due to which it has been used in pest control in many crops. Neem oil enters the system of the pests and obstructs their proper working. Insects do not eat, mate and lay eggs resulting in the breaking of their life cycle.

b.Neem seed cake (residue of neem seeds after oil extraction) when used for soil amendment or added to the soil, not only enriches the soil with organic matter but also lowers nitrogen losses by inhibiting nitrification.
c. Neem leaves are used as green leaf manure and also in preparation of compost. Neem leaves are also used in the storage of grains. Twigs of neem when the tender is used as a green manure after decomposing and widely incorporated in fields.
d. Neem (leaf and seed) extracts have been found to have insecticidal properties. It is used as a foliar spray and in treating seeds in rice cultivation.
e. Neem bark and roots also have medicinal properties. Bark & roots in powdered form are also used to control fleas and sucking pests in rice cultivation.
f. Currently, Neem treated urea is also being practised to prevent losses and release fertilizers in optimum quantity. According to recent studies conducted on parts of neem, it was found that neem seed extracts contain azadirachtin, which in turn works by inhibiting the development of immature insects.

Preparing Spray solution
Preparing Spray solution
◙ Neem Kernel extracts (500 to 2000 ml) is required per tank (10 litres capacity). 3-5 kg of neem kernel is required for an acre. Remove the outer seed coat and use only the kernel. If the seeds are fresh, 3 kg of the kernel is sufficient. If the seeds are old, 5 kg is required.
◙ Pound the kernel gently and tie it loosely with a cotton muslin cloth. Soak this overnight in a vessel containing 10 litres of water. After this, it is filtered.
◙ On filtering, a 6-7 litre of the extract can be obtained. 500-1000 ml of this extract should be diluted with 9 ½ or 9 litres of water. Before spraying soap solution @ 10 ml/litre should be added to help the extract stick well to the leaf surface. This concentration of the extract can be increased or decreased depending on the intensity of pest attack.
◙ Add the water through the cloth bag and catch the extract in the bucket.

Things to be taken care
Things to be taken care
◙ Collect the Neem fruits during the bearing season and air-dry them under shade.
◙ Do not use the seeds over nine months of age. The seeds stored over and above this age lose their activity and hence not fit for NSKE preparation.
◙ Always use freshly prepared neem seed kernel extract (NSKE).
◙ Spray the extract after 4 pm in the evening to get effective results.
◙ This solution can be repeated at timely intervals to avoid infestation of pests.
◙ Please be aware that need solution is effective in the early stages of damage. If the pest intensity is high, it is better to use other chemical methods for better control. Neem insecticides can also be alternated with other chemicals to reduce the cost of pest management.
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