This Scheme was first published on “Press Information Bureau, Government Of India” website and for more info, you can visit “Coconut Development Board” or “https://coconutboard.gov.in/docs/cpis-guidelines.pdf" website.
Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) - Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) is a part of the National Crop Insurance Proqramme (NCIP). Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) - Coconut cultivation is subjected to risks from climatic changes, natura disasters, pests, diseases etc. and, at times, entire coconut cultivation of a region, gets wiped out due to natural calamity or onset of pest attack. Coconut is a perennial crop and losses suffered by farmers due to damage of this crop, are material and needs to be addressed. Moreover, coconut is cultivated under rain-fed management and is susceptible to biotic and abiotic stresses, it is necessary to minimise risk faced by coconut farmers, predominantly small and marginal, by overing coconut palms with an insurance scheme. Sum Insured and premium under Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS): Sum Insured and premium under Coconut Palm Insurance, under different age groups will be follows:
- Coconut Palm age in years : 4th-15th ; Sum insured per palm : INR 900 ; Premium per plant/ year : INR 9. 2. Coconut Palm age in years : 16t h— 60th ; Sum insured per palm : INR 1750 ; Premium per plant/ year : INR 14.
Risk Coverage under the Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) : The scheme covers following perils leading to death / loss of palm or palm becoming un-productive: i. Storm, hailstorm, cyclone typhoon, tornado, heavy rains. ii. Flood and inundation. iii. Pest and diseases of widespread nature causing, irreparable damages to palm. iv. Accidental fire, including forest fire and bush fire, lightening. v. Earth quake, landslide and tsunami. vi. Severe drought and consequential total loss. Insurance Period for the Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) :Policies may be issued on annual basis. However, growers/farmers may obtain a policy for a maximum period of three years for which rebate in premium @7.5% for two year policy and 12.5% for three year policy will be provided to the planters/growers.
For more details , please visit the following website: https://coconutboard.gov.in/docs/cpis-guidelines.pdf