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Government Schemes
Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme

Description : The scheme provides insurance to nut bearing coconut trees against natural calamities like flood, cyclone, drought, lightning strikes and insect attack.The insurance premium is determined on the basis of the age of the coconut trees. The scheme is for coconut growers of the State with a minimum of 5 healthy coconut trees. Unhealthy and senile palms will be excluded from coverage. 50% of premium is paid by Coconut Development Board, 25% by state government and the rest 25% by farmer/grower.Eligibility : 1. Farmer of Karnataka state 2. Should own some land for agriculture 3. The farmer must be a grower of a minimum of 5 coconut trees.

insurance in specified age group, (4-60 years for dwarf, hybrid and 7-60 years for tall) contiguous area/plot will be eligible for insurance.Process : 1. Department of agriculture will finalize the notified villages for the scheme. 2. Three insurance companies of Karnataka will supply the application forms and collect the filled application forms from the farmers of notified villages. (AIC,ICICI, New India Assurance) 3. Insurance companies usually give insurance to farmers after verification of authentication letter issued by agriculture officer. In case of non-farmers, it is upto the decision of insurance companies to give assistance or not.Benefit : ₹ 900 to ₹ 1,750 per coconut palm

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