Description : Under NFSM, assistance is given to farmers for the demonstration of the latest crop production and protection technology, distribution, and production of seeds of HYVs / Hybrids. Under the NFSM cluster, seeds of unique varieties of pulses are distributed in the form of seed mini-kits free of cost to the farmers. The Seed Minikits programme is a significant tool for introducing new varieties of seeds in the farmers fields and is instrumental for increasing the seed replacement rate. Each mini kit contains treated seed, bio-fertllizer packets, leaflets having package of practices, and characteristics of the varieties in regional languages.Eligibility : Nature of Job = FarmerProcess : 1. The applicant visit to the nearest Seeds distribution Centres in the block and panchayat. 2. Submit your Aadhaar Card and Land record to the officer at distribution centers 3. After verification, they will give a packet of mini kits which contain treated seed, bio-fertilizer packets, and leaflets having a package of practices.Benefit : Free distribution of Seed Minikits of Pulses