Description : Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary Information System–FRUITS has been developed to help farmers avail themselves of subsidies through a single window. The registration will support farmer in applying schemes related to agriculture, horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry and fisheries department schemes.Eligibility : 1) Resident of Karnataka 2) Should be a FarmersProcess : 1. Visit the taluk or district Agriculture department office. 2. Fill the form and submit it along with the required documents. 3. An acknowledgment receipt and a FRUITS number will be given to the farmer. This FRUITS number is to be used for any further application to the Agriculture and associated departments.
Online -
Visit https://fruits.karnataka.gov.in/OnlineUserRegistration.aspx website to start the registration process
Step 1: Go to official website of Fruits Karnataka portal
Step 2: Click on ‘Citizen Login’ on the homepage
Step 3: Click on ‘Citizen Registration’
Step 4: Fill in registration form with details
Step 5: Personal information: name, Aadhaar number, age, DOB, gender, identifier type, identifier name, mobile/landline number
Step 6: Residence information: district, taluk, village, land status
Step 7: Other information: caste, farmer type, special-abled status, minority status
Step 8: Identification information: EPIC, ration card detail
Step 9: Owner’s land information
Step 10: Account details
Step 11: Address proof information and upload
Step 12: Click ‘Submit’ to complete new farmer registration.Benefit : Single point for all agri related subsidies