Description : This scheme provides poultry husbandry training for ST citizens, where beneficiaries also receive Rs.2000 stipendEligibility : 1. Age>=18 2. Present Occupation- Working 3. Caste- ST 4.Residence of State-GJProcess : 1. Visit the official site of the scheme, i.e., https://ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in. 2. The home page will open, where you will find the option ” schemes / યોજના. ” You have to click on it, which will redirect you to the next page with the title I-khedut Gujarat online registration. 3. Here, you will find different schemes. You can select the scheme under Poultry Farming Section. 4. Now, you will be asked whether you are registered in the scheme or not. If you choose the Yes option, you have to enter the applicant’s Aadhaar No. and the registered Mobile no. You have to enter the OTP; after the confirmation, the page will open. 5. A registration form will open wherein you have to fill in all the details like personal details, bank details, etc. In the end, the captcha code is to be filled in. 6. Next, click on the “submit” button. 7. After successful registration, log in to your account and continue applying for the schemeBenefit : Training along with stipend under Poultry Husbandry Training