This Scheme was first published on “Ministry of Rural Development” website and for more info, you can visit “http://nsap.nic.in/Guidelines/nfbs.pdf” website.
Description: The scheme provides financial assistance to the bereaved family in the event of death (natural or otherwise) of the main family member who runs the livelihood of the family.
Qualification / Required Documents
- Ration card Antyodaya Anna Yojana / Below Poverty Line (yellow card)
- What is the relationship with the deceased = wife / husband / daughter / son / mother / father
- Domicile certificate
- Was that person the main source of livelihood of the family? = Yes
- death certificate
- The age of the deceased should be from 14 to 40 years
- Applicant has to obtain the form from District Social Welfare Officer
- After this, they have to submit the filled application form with necessary documents to the District Social Welfare Officer
online mode:
- The applicant has to visit the Common Service Center or request through Saral Portal.
- For application from Common Service Center, the applicant has to create a user ID and fill the application form and submit it along with the required documents.
pay attention :
- The benefit of the plan should be deposited within 1 year of the death of the deceased. Benefits: Financial assistance of Rs. 20,000