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Government Schemes
National Family Benefit Scheme (Central)

Description : The scheme provides financial assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death (natural or otherwise) of the bread-winner of the family.Eligibility : 1. Ration card type = BPL / AAY 2. Relationship with the deceased = Wife / Husband / Daughter / Son / Mother / Father 3. Deceased person should be the breadwinner of the family 4. Age of deceased >=18 and <=60Process : 1. Applicant can collect the application form from Zila Parishad/Gram Panchayat /Municipality office. 2.Submit the form along with required documents to the concerned office

For J&K, Ladakh (Online)

  1. Visit
  2. Register and login via credentials
  3. Click on e-services and select social welfare and select National Family Benefit Welfare Scheme
  4. Fill in the relevant details and upload the documents
  5. Click on submit and acknowledgment form will be generated.

NOTE : (a)Application form must be submitted within 1 year of the death of the breadwinner householdBenefit : Financial assistance of ₹ 20000

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