Types of Polyhouses:
Types of Polyhouses:
Based on the environmental control system, polyhouse are of two types:
◙ Naturally ventilated polyhouse - This type of polyhouse does not have any environmental control system except for sufficient ventilation and fogger system to save the crops from bad weather conditions and natural pests and diseases.
◙Environmental controlled polyhouse - They are constructed with much-controlled conditions primarily to extend the growing period of crops or to increase the off-season yield by controlling the light, temperature, humidity, etc.
Part 2: How To construct polyhouse
Part 2: How To construct polyhouse
Types of Polyhouses:
Based on the environmental control system, polyhouse are of two types:
- Good water quality is continuously available.
- The irrigation water samples should be range from pH 5.5 to 7.0 and E.C. 0.1 to 0.3
- The selected place should be pollution-free.
- There should be roads for transportation and shipping of goods in the market.
- The place should be large enough for the upcoming expansion.
- Workers should be available easily and cheap.
- There should be excellent communication facilities in place.
◙ Naturally ventilated polyhouse - This type of polyhouse does not have any environmental control system except for sufficient ventilation and fogger system to save the crops from bad weather conditions and natural pests and diseases.
- List of tools
► Polythene sheet- 200-micron thickness
►ISI quality based G.I pipes
►40 mesh insect proof nylon net
►40-100 micron mulching sheet
► Thermometer and hygrometer
► Foggers
◙Environmental controlled polyhouse - They are constructed with much-controlled conditions primarily to extend the growing period of crops or to increase the off-season yield by controlling the light, temperature, humidity, etc.
►Solar pump
Size of Polyhouse
Size of Polyhouse
A bigger greenhouse would have more temperature build-up especially if there is no proper ventilation. In case of naturally ventilated greenhouse, the length must not exceed 60m.
Polyhouse Construction cost
Polyhouse Construction cost
Polyhouse construction cost depends on the type of polyhouse that is being adopted. The price undoubtedly increasing when moving towards high-tech from low-tech.
✓ The cheapest polyhouse construction can cost around Rs 500 per meter square without the addition of fans and pads.
Point to consider before selecting Polyhouse site:
The durability of the polyhouse is more compared to other types of Greenhouse. Before deciding to start greenhouse farming, you have to consider the following point to become successful in greenhouse farming
The net profit that can be earned through polyhouse cultivation is estimated to be around 6-7 lakhs per acre per annum which exclude the polyhouse farming cost. It is a pretty good source of income as well and at the same time is good for the environment and to maintain the quality of the crops.
A 50m X 50m greenhouse can attain a maximum height of 5m. A taller greenhouse would have a larger wind load for the glazing and structure.
Management of cost-effective poly houses:
Management of cost-effective poly houses:
Temperature: It affects the germination, flowering, pollination, fruit set, and quality of product and seed production. Generally, the temperature requirement range is 20°C to 30°C during day time and 15°C to 18°C during night time.
Light: The performance of crop is influenced by three aspects of light namely intensity, quality and duration. Greenhouse shading material of 20 to 90% shade value can be used.
Humidity: The acceptable range of humidity is between 50-80%. During summer, humidity can be maintained by fan-pad and humidifier.
- Soil pH should be between 5.5 to 6.5 and EC (Volatility) 0.3 to 0.5 mm cm/cm
Irrigation/ Nutrition: The water requirement for soil-based substrates is at the rate of 20l/sq.mt. of the bench and 0.3 to 0.35litres per 16.5cm diameter pot. The nutrient requirement of a crop is generally high inside the cover due to high-density planting in comparison with the conventional method under open conditions.
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