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ସରକାରୀ ସ୍କିମ୍‌
Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangla Yojana

Description : Under this scheme, girls from families with less than Rs.3,00,000 annual income will be given monetary assistance of Rs.25,000 in six phases, starting from birth till they graduate from school.Eligibility : 1.Yearly income of family should not be more than Rs.3 lakh. 2.Permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh 3.The scheme will be available only to 2 girl children in a family. 4. Family must have maximum two children.

NOTE : *Any adopted girl child will also be allowed benefits under this scheme *Third girl child from the second delivery of twins will also be eligible to avail benefits under the scheme.Process : 1. Applicant needs to visit the official website of the scheme at:
2. Click on the ‘Quick Links’ section 3. Under the ‘Citizen Services Portal’ tab, you will find the ‘Apply Here’ button. Click on it. You will be redirected to a new page which will ask you to register yourself. 4. Once you register, tick the ‘I Agree’ button and hit ‘Continue’. 5. You will be asked to fill up some details after which you will need to click on the ‘Send SMS OTP’ along with the captcha provided. 6. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number to complete the registration. 7. Once you are registered successfully, you will be asked to log in by entering your username and password. 8. An online registration form of the scheme will be available to you after you login. 9. Fill the form in prescribed format ,upload the required documents and submit. 10. The hardcopy of the form will be submitted at the department.Benefit : Financial assistance upto Rs. 25,000

ଆମର ମୋବାଇଲ୍ ଆପ୍ ଡାଉନଲୋଡ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ ।

ଫାର୍ମ ଅନ୍-ଦି: ରିଅଲ୍-ଟାଇମ୍ ମାର୍କେଟ ଡାଟା, ଯେକୌଣସି ସମୟରେ, ଆମର ଆପ୍ ସହିତ ଯେକୌଣସି ସ୍ଥାନରେ ପ୍ରବେଶ କରନ୍ତୁ । ଆପଣଙ୍କ ଭାଷାରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ।

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ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଆପ୍ ଡାଉନଲୋଡ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ।