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How farmers can earn good money by cultivating dragon fruit

India is an agricultural country, where cultivation of traditional crops is done, now new experiments are being done in farming. The cultivation of dragon fruit is especially emerging, for which many state governments are also providing grants. Because in dragon fruit farming, once the plant is planted, fruits are obtained for 25 years, which is proving to be a simple and accurate way to increase the income of the farmers. The scientific name of dragon fruit is Hyloceresundatus, which is majorly popular in Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, the United States, and Vietnam. And in India, it is now being cultivated in Maharashtra, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal.

Varieties of Dragon Fruit

Varieties of Dragon Fruit


There are 3 main varieties of dragon fruit:-

➥ White Dragon Fruit

➥ Red Dragon Fruit

➥ Yellow Dragon Fruit


Precise weather and soil for dragon fruit cultivation

Precise weather and soil for dragon fruit cultivation

Cultivation of this fruit can be done easily even if there is limited irrigation facility. It can be grown in all types of soil. Which has good drainage facility, tropical climate is considered most suitable for the cultivation of dragon fruit. Fruit quality and colour are better in light soils than heavy soils, pH value of soil is considered suitable from 5.5 to 6.5 The crop of dragon fruit does not require strong sunlight, for better cultivation, the maximum temperature should be 50 * centigrade and the minimum 10 * C, which should get good production. The best time to plant dragon fruit is from June to July or February to March, if you live in an area that receives above average rainfall, or is very cold, then in such a case, in the month of September or February to March. During this, plants should be planted. And till the plants are well established, light irrigation should be done daily in the evening.


Method of sowing dragon fruit

Method of sowing dragon fruit

To prepare the field for dragon fruit, the field should be well plowed and leveled, so that all the weeds present in the soil are eliminated. At the time of plowing, 30-40 tons of well-rotted cow dung should be mixed in the soil in one-acre, chemical fertilizers should be used only after soil testing, because the need for chemical fertilizers is less for this crop, each of the dragon fruit 10 to 12 kg of organic manure is required for the plant to grow well. Potash and nitrogen should be used only when necessary, in the fruiting stage.


Dragon fruit can be planted both by seed and cutting method, but the cutting method is more successful commercially, because the growth of the plant is slow from seed, while planting from the cutting can yield in one year, Before planting the cutting, arrangements should be made to support the plant in the field, so iron pipe or cement pipe which should be about 6 to 8 feet in height.


A distance of 8 * 8 feet should be kept between the plants, and a distance of 5 * 5 feet should be kept between two rows, in this way 1500-1600 saplings can be planted in one acre. The cutting of dragon fruit should be taken from trusted nursery, the normal cost of one plant ranges from 60 to 100 rupees. 3 to 4 feet deep pit should be left open, 3 to 4 feet deep pit should be left open, before planting 50:20:30 organic manure, sand and soil should be used in pit before planting.


Irrigation in dragon fruit

Irrigation in dragon fruit

The crop of dragon fruit is very sensitive to water storage, so it does not require much irrigation, so drip irrigation is best suited for this crop, because this crop is for at least 25 years. Gives fruits, so the cost of drip irrigation is beneficial for the farmers.


Dragon fruit flowers and fruits

Dragon fruit flowers and fruits

Generally, 1 to 1.5 years after planting, the plant starts producing fruits, like the fruit, their flowers are also very beautiful and attractive white color, dragon fruit gives fruit every year for five months, which is usually in summer. From early to mid-autumn, the fruits are ready in one month after flowering, the unripe fruits are green and bright in color, the ripe fruit weighs 300 to 600 g, the fruit is harvested. Fruit color change should be done within 2 to 4 days, fruit color may vary according to variety, fruit can be plucked from a tree at least 5-6 times, if the market is far away then a little hard Must break. But if the fruit is to be exported, it should be harvested within a day of changing color.


Benefits of cultivating dragon fruit

Benefits of cultivating dragon fruit

Fruits can be plucked 3 to 6 times in variety and favorable environmental conditions, 50 to 100 fruits are obtained from one plant, whose weight is 300 to 600 grams and its market price is from 25 to 35 rupees per kg. , in this way about 12,500 rupees can be earned from one plant, thus about 6 to 8 lakh rupees can be earned in a season from one acre, the price of a fruit in the market ranges from 80 to 100 rupees, so Farmers can earn profit by selling their product to wholesale or retailer according to their convenience.


Note:- Because no special disease or pest has been found in this crop so far, so the cost of cultivation is reduced, because the use of insecticide is not required, as well as chemical fertilizers are also used in these crops is very less.

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